Open, like, comment, follow!

It’s been quiet a few years I have been on WordPress most of it has been a wonderful experience but at times it does feel a shallow one. Anyone who’s doing a creative work be it reading writing painting capturing pictures or just writing their heart out needs someone to reciprocate to respond to say something. It’s not just about the god words criticism is something which makes people better and appreciation gives them a renewed hope to keep going.

Yes it’s true you don’t always need to say something to encourage someone, that’s why we have that ‘like’ button there for people to show that the work is appreciated. But is that truly the case. I won’t comment on other but I’ll say of myself I have liked stuff on the reader section just scrolling down. Never dived into it or never even clicked on it. Just pressed the like button by reflex. But then I wondered if I am doing so there is a possibility that other might be doing that as well. Just scrolling down and pressing the occasional like here and there. Plus the little amount of comments on gets on there posts also suggest that this could pretty well be the reality.

Since that realisation I had decided that if I read something here I’ll make it a point to leave a comment. It does encourage someone who is just starting out. It takes only a few moments but makes the author realise that yes someone has made the effort to read whatever he has wrote till the end. And it’s not just an empty like.

I find one analogy befitting here, your posts are like a message in a bottle thrown at the sea, the likes are like the waves hitting them suggesting that yes your bottle is indeed travelling and the waves hitting it are the proof, and the comments signify that someone did find your bottle opened the cork read the message and cared to reply.

I hope if you have read this far you are one of those who cared to open the bottle! And about the waves well since it’s a open sea they will keep hitting!

Yeah one last thing it’s a new lesson learnt of late please give a follow back to anyone who follows you. It gives encouragement to them as well to know that there are readers out there.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Neethu says:

    This particular posts bottle has been opened and the message read!!! 😊 jokes apart… A very thought provoking post… 👏👏👏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for responding I am glad someone cared to read it through. This is a wonderful platform if we are able to know atleast a handful of them through interactions wouldn’t that be awesome 😊


      1. Neethu says:

        Absolutely 😀


  2. drashti's blog says:

    So true, creativity of any kind should be appreciated. It takes lot of courage to keep doing something without getting praised.


    1. Indeed, also it gives you a assurance that what ur doing is atleast reaching your audience and invoking some kind of response.

      Liked by 1 person

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